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Parent Support Group

Why Join a Parent Group?

When families join a parent group, they can meet other families with similar needs. Parent groups can serve many purposes, but one of their most important can be to introduce families to others like themselves. While it’s true that many online parent groups never actually meet in person, the interactions online can provide much needed information and emotional support.


Often, though, parent groups form locally, so that families can meet in person.

Families with a child who has a disability have special concerns and often need a great deal of information: information about the disability of their child, about school services, therapy, local policies, funding sources, transportation, medical facilities, and much more.


When families with similar concerns meet, there is a sense of community, of understanding. You create a place where you can laugh about the same things, where you can discuss the same problems, where you can help each other. Where else can a parent find out which local dentists are good with children who don’t sit still, where to buy specialized clothes, toys, or equipment, how to help a teenager find a summer or after-school job, or how to fill out a social security application?


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